United Nations Climate Change Conference 2012
We are all aware that the effects of climate change is producing devastation across the globe. We stand at a crucial tipping point, if countries and corporations don't act fast and stand together on the issue, we will be committed to a catastrophic future.
Since 1995 the United Nations has gathered annually to work on legally binding obligations to enforce the much needed reduction of CO2 in our atmosphere. This annual meeting is called COP. In 2012 COP 18 was held in Qatar.

There are many solutions to the CO2 problem. The most immediate and effective technology that is currently available is 'carbon capture and storage'. In a nut-shell CCS filters out CO2 from industry production and pumps it deep underground into reservoirs of porous rock where it is stored. It's a proven safe and effective process.
If CCS was rolled out to all industries across the globe it could reduce the CO2 pumped into our atmosphere by 1/5. Sadly the main barrier to this happening boils down to money. It costs corporations to implement CCS and there is currently no clear global legislation to enforce or reward industries that do (like offsetting or carbon credits).
If CCS was rolled out to all industries across the globe it could reduce the CO2 pumped into our atmosphere by 1/5. Sadly the main barrier to this happening boils down to money. It costs corporations to implement CCS and there is currently no clear global legislation to enforce or reward industries that do (like offsetting or carbon credits).

I had the honour of working closely with scientists and professors at Imperial college and Shell. My task was to help produce an interactive experience to help promote CCS to politicians and corporations visiting COP18. With funding from Shell, Qatar Petroleum and the Qatari royal family, this programme is the largest of its kind. And for the first time has allowed scientists and geologists from all key areas of the CCS process to come together, sharing vital information as a team, expanding the possibilities for CCS.
It was an immense task as my team and I had to digest 5 PhD programmes and work out a process that would clearly explain the science behind the work. The experience needed to cater for a wide audience. Those who knew nothing about CCS and were time-poor (like delegates and politicians), and those who did and wanted to understand CCS at a scientific level (fellow scientists and engineers).
It was an immense task as my team and I had to digest 5 PhD programmes and work out a process that would clearly explain the science behind the work. The experience needed to cater for a wide audience. Those who knew nothing about CCS and were time-poor (like delegates and politicians), and those who did and wanted to understand CCS at a scientific level (fellow scientists and engineers).
I also worked closely with a film director/editor and his crew, co-ordinating the interviews, choosing shoot locations and guiding him on the structure of the content.

As the experience needed to cater for a wide audience, I created 3 levels of content. The first two levels were film, the top level giving an overview to the section topic, the second were more focused interviews with specific players and narrated animations that allowed us to dive deeper into the specifics.
The third level was effectively a sexy slide-show,providing much more detail for the scientific and engineering community.